Black Turmoline Chips

Original price was: ₹499.00.Current price is: ₹399.00.

Energized Black TurmolineChips – Black turmoline chips are very Divine and very powerful chips that can be used for protection and grounding and releasing negativity.A very divine product for protection & releasing grudges and strong negative emotions.

Product description

  • The chips are energized and blessed in Mahamrityunjay siddha healing and Asht Vinayak healing.
  • You will get 100 gram chips in single order.

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8 in stock


Primary Benefits
  • A divine chips used for grounding and releasing negativity & all sort of negative emotions.
  • A divine chips used for self-healing which heals your mind body and soul.
  • A divine chips used for protection from negative energies such as black magic, witchcraft etc.
  • A divine chips used for Grounding & Detoxification of your negative thoughts and worries
  • This is one of the best products for personal protection and also for immunity.
  • These chips are used to dispel negative & worrying thoughts.
  • A divine chips that gives you clarity of thoughts.
  • It is believed that if these chips are kept on painful area it reduces the pain in that area.
  • A best product to keep in your workplace for protection against any sort of negativity and self-protection against evil eye etc.
  • A divine product that improves your self-confidence.
  • A divine product that helps in reducing your stress and anxiety.
  • Keep chips in a bowl and place them on your work table or study table.
  • Try to meditate keeping the bowl of black turmolinet chips daily for at least 5 mins.

Origin: INDIA


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